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13 Facts About Restaurants You Didn’t Learn in School

Here are some intriguing restaurant facts. You may already know many of them, but some will surprise you!

  1. Restaurants lose money on certain popular menu items.

Believe it or not, some of the most beloved dishes on restaurant menus actually result in a loss for the establishment. These items are often offered at a lower price point to attract customers, but their high ingredient costs make them unprofitable.

  1. Restaurant phone calls can be a major headache.

Taking and managing phone calls can be overwhelming for restaurant staff, especially during peak hours. Missed calls, long wait times, and interruptions can negatively impact both customer satisfaction and employee productivity.

  1. The power of online reviews cannot be underestimated.

Positive online reviews have become crucial for the success of restaurants in today’s digital age. Word-of-mouth recommendations now happen online through platforms like Yelp and Google Reviews, making it essential for establishments to maintain a positive online reputation.

  1. Menu design influences customer choices.

Restaurants strategically design their menus to influence customer choices and maximize profits. Placement, typography, and even color schemes can all play a role in guiding diners towards specific dishes or items with higher profit margins.

  1. Many restaurants don’t make their own desserts.

While many restaurants proudly showcase their homemade desserts on their menus, the reality is that most establishments purchase pre-made desserts from external suppliers. This allows chefs to focus on creating savory dishes while still offering delectable sweet treats.

  1. The average lifespan of a restaurant is only five years.

The restaurant industry is highly competitive and challenging, with a high failure rate. On average, restaurants have a lifespan of just five years. Successful establishments need to continually adapt, innovate, and provide an exceptional dining experience to thrive.

  1. Local sourcing is on the rise in the restaurant industry.

More and more restaurants are embracing the farm-to-table movement by sourcing ingredients locally. This not only supports local farmers but also allows chefs to create fresher, more seasonal menus that delight diners.

  1. Restaurant kitchens can be hotbeds of creativity.

Many renowned chefs started their culinary journeys working in restaurant kitchens. These fast-paced environments foster creativity and innovation as chefs experiment with flavors, techniques, and unique dishes to stand out in a competitive market.

  1. Servers often rely on tips for their income.

For many servers, tips make up a significant portion of their income. It’s important to remember that tipping is customary in the United States and plays an essential role in supporting those working in the service industry.

  1. Restaurants waste a significant amount of food.

Food waste is a major issue within the restaurant industry. Despite efforts to reduce waste through precise inventory management and portion control, many establishments still struggle to minimize their environmental impact.

  1. Restaurant owners work long hours.

Running a successful restaurant requires dedication and hard work. Restaurant owners often work long hours, including weekends and holidays, to ensure smooth operations and deliver an exceptional dining experience for their customers.

  1. Restaurant phone statistics are staggering.

Restaurants receive an average of 11 phone calls per hour during peak meal times – that is one every 5.5 minutes. Studies show that 85% of people who can’t reach a restaurant on the phone will move on to another restaurant. Text messages have a 98% open rate. Finally, online orders account for approximately 30% of all restaurant sales.

  1. Reachify’s customizable software streamlines restaurant phone operations.

With Reachify’s innovative software, you can overcome a lot of the statistics listed above. Restaurant owners can automate phone calls by converting them into self-serve menus that send text messages to callers. This saves time and reduces interruptions, allowing employees to focus on delivering exceptional food and service. Find out more here.

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