By now, you have probably accepted that social media isn’t going away. In fact, it’s crucial for communicating with customers, showcasing your menu, and attracting future customers. You may have a social media account set up. You may have followers and subscribers to your accounts. You may not even know how to begin. Looking for help? Look no further!
Here are tips for getting started on social media marketing:
- Set up an appropriate account.
Don’t just start creating accounts on every major social media platform. Instead, find one that will suit your needs. Facebook receives a lot of mainstream traffic, and if viewers are what you want, that might work for you. If you want to showcase your menu, Instagram might be more your style, and you can post pictures of dishes you make. If you’d rather make video clips, you may want to use TikTok. It all depends on what your business goal is and how you want to achieve it. This will differ for each person and restaurant.
- Post regularly.
You’ll need to budget time to consistently upload content to your social media account. Daily posts aren’t necessary right off the bat, but you’ll definitely want to post more than once a month. As you get started, one of the best ways to attract followers is to make sure you are dependable about posting compelling content, whether it’s a customer’s birthday, a weekly special, or a holiday occasion.
- Check for comments and messages daily.
If you are going to use social media, it’s very important to make sure you look for, read, and respond to comments you get, both positive and negative. These are your current and potential customers, and they want to be heard. When they feel acknowledged, they are more likely to return to your restaurant, and bring their friends!
- Make it your own.
You’ll want to make sure your account has your own spin on it. Anyone can make a pizza; what makes yours so special? This is your chance to shine. Remember that people who see this account will be deciding whether they want to eat at your establishment, so you need to give them a reason to come in. Share your vibe via every social media post.
- Have fun with it.
Perhaps most importantly, social media is designed for very human interactions. People like to smile, they like to feel part of a group or community, and they like to relate to others. Making posts that are humorous (when appropriate, of course), fun, local, and relatable is crucial for your restaurant social media accounts to be successful. It’s okay to be a little less formal and more human… In fact, it’s desirable!
- Advertise.
If the above strategy isn’t bringing you customers fast enough (for obvious reasons, it’s not a short-term strategy), you can always advertise on your social media platform of choice. Most of these platforms allow you to limit your ad audience by location, so you can show your ad only to people in your area, who are likely to come in for a meal. This is a more expensive, but quicker, way to attract attention. And ultimately, advertising on social media is still largely cheaper than on other channels, so if you have the budget, this is definitely a way to get more customers.
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