Text Message Marketing – Is It Good or Bad?

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At its core, marketing via text/SMS message is much like any other marketing; the general idea is that you send a message to mass recipients that contain some kind of incentive or plug for visiting your restaurant. Using text message marketing, you can send your advertisements, specials, and promotions via text message straight to your recipients. 

On paper, this seems like a great idea. Text messages are read very quickly by most people (99% of SMS marketing messages are read within 20 minutes of receiving them, according to a recent MobileSquared report). Those kinds of odds are almost too nice to ignore. It’s an easy win, right?

However, it’s actually easy for this plan to go wrong.

No one likes getting spam, and text messages with advertisements can almost always seem like spam. Even if you have great intentions and you know the recipients will like what you’re offering, those texts can be very off-putting. People don’t like feeling as though advertisements are intruding on every aspect of their lives, and getting an unrequested text message from a business often feels like an intrusion.

In addition, many phone providers, as well as smartphone manufacturers, are actively trying to find ways to reduce spam texts and phone calls.

So should you just avoid SMS marketing?

Absolutely not. Some people don’t mind, and it can still be worthwhile even if only a small number of the people you’re sending messages to respond. The return on your investment can be quite high.

Of course, it can also come with consequences, so you’ll have to weigh the pros and cons of this kind of direct marketing before you try it.

We still recommend you try other methods of marketing before you venture into the text marketing waters. Social media is still one of the best ways to find, communicate with, and advertise to your potential customers. Depending on which platform you choose, it can be very inexpensive, as it’s often easier to get a lot of eyes on your advertisement in a very short amount of time.

Does Reachify do text message marketing?

In Reachify’s system, what happens is that a customer can select an option to receive a promotional message, making it solicited (SMS, or text, marketing is not spam if proper opt-in practices are used). Also, Reachify does not send out mass text messages. So technically, no, Reachify does not participate in text message marketing. However, Reachify does enable you to send out your message to people who want it quickly and easily, including promotions and other messages. Find out more here.

There is no reason not to take advantage of the fact that most Americans have a smartphone in their hands for a high percentage of each day. Make sure you’re on their minds in one way or another. But also remember to be considerate of their preferences and make sure your messages won’t earn you spam reports and bad reviews. Text message marketing can be a valuable way to reach your current and potential customers![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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