5 Ways Automating Your Phone Improves Customer Experience for In-Person Guests

More than just serving delicious food, a successful restaurant creates an amazing customer experience. When customers leave, they’re happy because they had a good meal, but they’re happier because they were treated well. Customer experience is the sum total of everything that happens from well before they enter the restaurant to after they leave; everything impacts whether they have a good time.

Your phone can make a surprising impact on their experience, especially during peak meal time rushes. Phone automation can greatly improve the experience. But if these in-person guests aren’t using the phone, why would it make a difference? Here are 5 ways automating your phone can improve the customer experience, both for callers and for in-person guests (and your staff, too, as an added bonus!):

  1. Improve order accuracy.

Never worry about staff taking an order incorrectly again. When your customers place an order online, they enter the items themselves. When the order hits your kitchen, it is list exactly the way the customer placed it. Reachify’s customers have seen order accuracy improve by large margins, and fewer errors means happier customers.

  1. Decrease wait times.

When your staff isn’t constantly being interrupted by calls, they are able to focus on food preparation and service better. This is a plus for your dine-in customers, who will get quality food faster, and their experience will improve. Using the same logic, you’ll also be able to reduce lines of people waiting for a table. Reachify’s phone automation software can be set to answer the phone during peak meal times, any time it rings, or on a set schedule – you pick!

  1. Get the focus back on in-person guests.

Similarly, without phone interruptions, your staff will be able to put their attention where it belongs – on the customers in front of them. Attentive service with a smile is the best way to create a good customer experience. You decide when Reachify’s system answers calls so you can ensure in-person guests are taken care of. Remember, your customers will always remember how you made them feel.

  1. Allow caller questions to be answered faster.

When callers don’t have to be put on hold or wait for a representative to answer their questions, they get the information they want immediately. An automated system, set up with most common caller’ questions in mind, can give them hours of operation, links to menus, reservations, catering, and ordering, directions, promotions, and more. They’ll never have to wait on your phone again! Reachify’s system is fully customizable, so your phone menu can be unique to your business and the needs of your customers. More satisfied customers mean more orders.

  1. Increase staff time for other activities.

As you well know, your staff needs to make time for more than just food preparation. They’re going to need to take orders, deliver food to waiting guests, wash dishes, and clean, at the very least. But then there are other crucial activities that must be done, like ordering food, creating staff schedules, training, and maintenance. Some of these tasks can get ignored or perpetually procrastinated if lines and calls take a long time. Allowing phone automations to assist callers frees up precious minutes in which your staff can ensure the restaurant is running smoothly.

You’re going to love how much better your restaurant runs once you’re using Reachify. But even more importantly than that, your customers will love it, too!

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