7 Ways to Take Advantage of Mobile Technology in Your Restaurant

A common question we’ve heard is, “how does mobile technology impact the restaurant industry?” We Americans love our smartphones. We have them in our hands for over 3 hours per day, and check them 58 times per day (RescueTime study). With all of that time, we’re checking text messages and emails, getting social media updates, […]

Why Using Reachify Will Change Your Life

Eating isn’t seasonal, but there’s no doubt that dining out definitely can be. Some holidays encourage diners to go out, some encourage them to stay at home, and even that isn’t universal for every individual and family. In addition, time of day goes hand in hand with specific foods to create a micro-seasonality for some […]

4 Things Related to Restaurant Technology That You Should Do Today

Implement an online ordering system. Online ordering systems are becoming more and more popular. Actually, they’re more than popular; they’re downright crucial. Almost everyone has a smartphone and many people would prefer touchless, seamless, and quick methods of getting their food. If you don’t have an online ordering system already, now is the time to […]

3 Myths About Restaurant Technology

Running a restaurant isn’t easy under the best of circumstances, and running one on the tail end of a very dangerous global pandemic, coupled with a troubled economy and other issues is even harder. Restaurants are having a difficult time attracting and keeping staff. Customers think food is too expensive. Food sourcing problems mean already-tight […]

10 Keys to Good Restaurant Management

Don’t make sweeping changes unless you have no choice. Smaller, long-term changes are always better for both staff and customers. It gives them time to work out kinks and get used to changes. Having a new menu, new POS systems, and new policies can be confusing for everyone. All it does is invite chaos that […]

How to Get Started On Social Media Marketing

Last week, we talked about how you can choose which social media platform to focus on. By now, you have probably accepted that social media isn’t going away. In fact, it’s crucial for communicating with customers, showcasing your menu, and attracting future customers. You may have a social media account set up. You may have […]

Which Social Media Platform Should I Use for My Restaurant?

You have your business up and running … or are almost there. You know you need a social media account or two (or three), but you aren’t sure which channel to pick. In no particular order, we’ve created a quick rundown on the top ten most-used social media platforms. Facebook (Meta): Widely used domestically and […]

Why Do Restaurant Strategies Fail?

Sometimes restaurants – even with good food and a good customer base – go out of business. It’s never fun to see it happen, and if you’re running a restaurant of your own, it probably makes you a little paranoid. What went wrong? Are you next? You may even start making changes with a knee-jerk […]

How Do You Answer the Restaurant Phone and Greet Guests?

In a pandemic-recovering world, we’ve spent a lot of time hiding behind masks and glass, staying away from each other, avoiding all interaction with other humans, and mostly only communicating with methods that don’t require speaking or touching anything that doesn’t belong to us, like texting and email. We’re understandably pandemic-weary, but we’ve also hit […]