Why You Should Let Someone Else Take Control Of Your Phone System

Leaving your potential and current customers in someone else’s hands probably doesn’t sound appealing to you. Like any restaurant worker, you likely thrive on interacting with people, and it can be difficult to let others take over. You want your customers to have a great experience, after all! At some point, hopefully you’ll realize it’s […]

How To Explain Running A Restaurant to Someone Who Knows Nothing About It

There are many people who dream of running their own restaurant, bakery, pizzeria, or food truck. And the job does sound nice – you love to cook or bake, and everyone tells you your food is delicious, so what could be better than making food and getting paid for it? That’s living the dream at […]

Actions You Can Take to Deal With Rising Restaurant and Food Costs

Anyone in the food industry knows there are some pretty intense challenges facing owners these days. Wages, food supplies, equipment, and maintenance all cost more, customers are concerned about the pandemic, commission-based third-party services have eaten into already-small margins, and staffing is at an all-time low. We’ve heard some restaurant owners say they’ll just “wait […]

Why You Should Get Your Restaurant On TikTok

By this point, whether you’re just opening your restaurant or you’ve had yours open for decades, you probably know you need an online presence. You’ve been told over and over again that you need to be on social media. You know you only have time for one social media account, so which do you pick? […]

Why Restaurant Staffing Is So Important

Restaurant hiring is really hard, and the staffing problems are affecting everyone. In spite of increases to salaries, it is still nearly impossible to find and keep a full staff. According to a recent survey from the National Restaurant Association, 2 in 3 restaurants are understaffed. Of those, 1 in 5 are more than 20% […]

How Do I Promote My Restaurant on Social Media? 6 Tips for Restaurant Posts in 2023

By now, you have probably accepted that social media isn’t going away. In fact, it’s crucial for communicating with customers, showcasing your menu, and attracting future customers. You may have a social media account set up. You may have followers and subscribers to your accounts. You may not even know how to begin. Looking for […]

How Do You Create a Marketing Strategy For a Restaurant?

Is it worth advertising on television? Radio? Do people read newspaper ads anymore? Do I need to advertise my restaurant online, and if so, where? Google? Social media? Where should I even begin? If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, you’re not alone. It’s also a great sign that you’re putting a lot of […]

Start 2023 Off Right! 6 Tips for the New Year

It’s 2023, and it’s time to get ready for a new year full of successes! Here are 6 tips to help you get started: Kill it on social media. Being on social media is crucial. When people are looking for your business, they will expect to see you, at least on Facebook and Instagram, but […]

Conditions Restaurant Owners Are Facing Right Now

According to a recent survey by the National Restaurant Association, steeply rising costs and staffing issues are wreaking havoc on the entire food industry. This, of course, isn’t news to most people. The pandemic, inflation, and other ongoing disturbances to “normal” life have caused drastic changes in what, when, where, and how people are eating, […]

How to Set Up a Business Number for Your Restaurant

When you’re getting started in the restaurant industry, you’re going to need a phone number for everything from sourcing equipment and food to communicating directly with your customers. Because of this, it’s necessary to get this step handled as early on as possible, preferably well before you open your doors for business. First, you’ll want […]