The Top 6 Things To Do After Opening a Restaurant

You did it! Whether you had a soft opening or a grand opening (or both), your restaurant is open, staffed, and ready for business. You’ve got your equipment, menu, policies, and food. You’re ready to succeed as a restaurateur. You may think you’re all prepared for the future, but there is still a lot to […]

The Top 5 Things To Do Before Opening A Restaurant

No matter how prepared you think you are for opening your first restaurant, you probably will be surprised at how many things you didn’t plan for. If you’ve gotten your business registered, found a location, and are getting ready for opening day, here are some tips to think about before you open those doors to […]

5 Low-Cost Advertising Methods for Your Restaurant

Along with last week’s article about ways to advertise your restaurant for free, this week we are adding five low-cost investments to advertise your restaurant that are worth it. Some of these methods are more expensive than others, but there are ways you can keep costs down and still find success. First, do community outreach. […]

5 Ways You Can Advertise Your Business For Free

Well, your restaurant is open and running. Perhaps you’ve been in business for 15 years; maybe it’s only been 3 months. Whatever the case, margins are tight and it’s a competitive market. It’s unlikely that you have millions of dollars and a whole team of people to devote to advertising your restaurant on television, billboards, […]

Things to Be Prepared for When Running a Restaurant

After your restaurant’s grand opening, you may be thinking all of the hardest parts of getting started – finding funding, creating a menu, acquiring a location and hiring staff – are behind you, but that’s not the case. Here are a few things to prepare yourself for as you run your restaurant every day. Repetition. […]

3 Facts About Restaurant Phone Calls That Seem Obvious But Aren’t

You probably have a lot of misconceptions about automating anything in your restaurant. It’s all about the people, after all, and who wants to deal with automations? Surely not your callers! However, when you’re deciding how to handle your understaffed team and influx of calls during peak times, you will also want to consider the […]

5 Essential Tips for Restaurant Technology

A lot of people are on the extremes of technology for restaurants; you either have all the bells and whistles, or you’re holding out, hoping the wave will pass without forcing you into it. However, especially since the rise of the pandemic, touchless ordering and payment systems are desirable staples, and other features that used […]

What Does POS Stand For in Restaurants?

You’ve probably heard the acronym at some point in your time at or around restaurants. Perhaps someone has asked you the question and you weren’t sure how to answer because the term is so commonly thrown around. Regardless, you may be wondering, “What is a POS?” In restaurant terminology, “POS” stands for “point-of-sale.” This is […]

5 Questions Your Customers Are Asking

Your customers are mentally tallying your business the entire time they’re in contact with you, from the moment they call or see your online menu, to walking through the doors, to when they leave. Every touchpoint is important to their experience and whether or not they’ll return. Here are five important points for you to […]

7 Facts About Restaurant Technology Nobody Told You

In today’s day and age, most of us have smartphones, bluetooth devices, computers, and more. We have smart TVs that can guess what we want to watch, smart thermostats that know what temperature to keep our houses, and speakers that remember how loud we want to listen to our music. Apple recently announced their users […]